Hello, Cozy Gang!
Free Comic Book Day was a smashing success! Thank you to Greg and the staff at Soundwave Comics (and Music and Movies) for welcoming me back and putting on a great event at their new location.
New Product in the Shop!

Coming at you hot off the presses, I have sticker sheets in my store! The first sticker sheet I’m offering is a collection of eight cute Cozy Sweets arranged on a 5×7 sheet of tough vinyl sticker paper. These stickers will be sure to last you for a long time and work really well on notebooks, laptops, cars, windows, or anywhere you want really! And best of all, the sticker sheets are only $5.00! Be sure to browse my online store to see this and all my Cozy Merch.
Streaming Schedule for week of May 08
Monday 7:30PM EST – Art Stream continuing Cozy Sticker Club designs for May!
Tuesday 3:30PM EST – Gaming Stream beginning Stardew Valley!
Thursday 7:30PM EST – Continuing work on Fan Vote winner Zenitsu!

Please come by and check out the stream Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm EST for artwork and chatting, and Tuesday at 3:30pm EST for gaming! As always, follows and subscriptions are appreciated but never required!