Appearance Update: Charlotte Geekery Market and Podcast

Hello Cozy Gang!

If you mosey on over to my events page, you’ll find that I have an upcoming appearance/artist booth at the Charlotte Geekery Market coming on November 4. In celebration during the lead-up to this, my friends at the Guardians of the Geekery asked me to be on their podcast!

Please enjoy the video below, and head over to their website as well to show them some love! See you all November 4! Event information is after the video.

Event Information:
November 4, Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, Concord NC

Christine’s 2020 Art!

Well, that was a year.

Started off all ready to work on Undead Norm and getting more comics done then something happened… I wonder what… 🤔 It might have killed my desire to work on a zombie comic and then my productivity for most of the year but I am happy with the art growth that I had.

I started Streaming in late June and I have been working slowly on comic pages for Phantom ’79 that I still need to finish. Thank you to everyone who has been helping me get through this crazy year! I have big plans for 2021 and looking forward to sharing it with you as I get them ready! Happy New Year!